We thank you for your continuous love and support!
Last Friday night, we attended the SME100 Gala Dinner & Awards Presentation 2016 at the Palace of the Golden Horses in Mines. It was truly such an honour to be there with all the other great companies and successful individuals from all over Malaysia, sharing a special night and toasting to everyone’s achievements. To be honest, we felt great and truly inspired.. and maybe a little small as there were many more accomplished businesses that we got to know of throughout the night.
Most certainly we are also very grateful to everyone including our family and friends, suppliers and business partners. We’d like to say a big word of thanks to all of you for your support through all these years. We’re truly grateful. Also very importantly we are thankful to our loyal customers and the very dedicated team at work that continue to display true passion and commitment to serve at a very high level every single day.
And now that we’ve achieved some bit of recognition, there will certainly be a lot of motivation for us to further improve every aspect of our business and enhance our service standards to reach an even higher level. There is no turning back.. the only way forward is continuous growth and improvement.
Our real challenge moving forward, and true satisfaction will come from sustaining this new benchmark by elevating our level of play and delivering amazing value day after day for many more years to come.
We owe at least that much to everyone of you.
As a token of appreciation to you guys for your support, we are offering 15% discount storewide with the coupon code “SME100” at http://shop.regalvalet.my until 31 December 2016.